Rabbi Chizkiyahu Nebenzahl
The Old City of Jerusalem was privileged to have Rav Nebenzahl serve as its official rabbi for more than thirty years (5736–5768/1976–2008) — a period during which Jewish Jerusalem’s character took shape and underwent a rebirth in the Old City. Rabbi Chizkiyahu Nebenzahl shlita, the rav’s son and successor, was called to take the position in 2008. With his father standing behind him, Rabbi Chizkiyahu continued his father’s mission and established the kashrut standards of the Jewish Quarter. Many residents say that since Rav Nebenzahl’s son took the position, he has worked a great deal to increase Torah and sanctity in the city as the right hand of his father, shlita. One example of this is his Torah classes in the Ramban Synagogue, which have become renowned in the city and beyond it. Another is his study on school vacation days, during the bein hazmanim period, on festival eves and on the festivals themselves. Thus the Jewish Quarter has become an empire of Torah, as the classes that are given there every single day have become part of the spirit of the neighborhood.